Globally, the demand for seafood is outpacing that of all other food. By 2050, it is expected the current demand for seafood will almost double.
Canadian salmon farming will play an essential role in meeting the global seafood supply needs for sustainable, nutritious, low-carbon footprint protein. Within Canada, farm-raised salmon is the most popular seafood choice by a large margin, making up almost 4 of 10 seafood meals for Canadians. Currently, farm-raised salmon accounts for an overwhelming 97% of all salmon harvested here, over 86% of all farm-raised finfish, and almost 80% of the value of all farm-raised seafood. In 2020, Canada’s aquaculture sector was valued at $1.04 billion in direct output and considering indirect and direct impacts, along with processing activities, output was over $3.8 billion. Salmon farming is the cornerstone of a growing farm sector that is generating opportunities for Canadians in coastal communities where growth sectors are rare.
of salmon harvested in
Canada are farm-raised -
Production from Canada's primary aquaculture sector in 2020 was valued at
Canada is the world's
4th Largest
producer of farmed-raised salmon
Sustainable salmon farming means more employment opportunities for Canadians – especially younger Canadians, who represent a more diverse and technologically skilled workforce; in fact, salmon farmers comprise the youngest agri-food workforce in Canada.
Sustainable salmon farming also means an improved quality of life for coastal Indigenous communities, where salmon currently generates an estimated $50 million annually for Indigenous communities in British Columbia.
The employment opportunities related to salmon farming cast a wide net - estimates from a few years ago showed that over 14,500 Canadians were employed in the farm-raised salmon sector, across a diverse landscape of coastal, rural, and Indigenous communities. A large percentage of these irreplaceable jobs are directly or indirectly related to salmon farming - salmon processing, marketing, equipment supply, feed, and other services amongst them. Economically speaking, sustainable salmon farming also lowers food imports, increases exports, strengthens food security and drives new innovations and investments in science and technology.
Canada's vast coastline presents the potential for exponential job growth as well. Our country has more coastline than any other country on the planet, with its boarders touching the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans. According to the government of Canada, “ocean-based activity impacts every major industry in Canada and benefits every province and territory.”
Our magnificent coastal geography, our farmers, and our potential bounty from farm-raised salmon all provide Canada with a historic economic and food production opportunity that no other country has.